A downloadable Endless Runner for Windows

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This will completely alter your understanding of 'Endless runner' games. 

This game doesn't end. You continuously “run” through the game until an obstacle stops you with the point being to achieve the highest possible score. 

To spice things up, the events of this game takes place inside of a massive alien space station which is on fire !

  • How to play : As stated earlier this game doesn't end. You continuously “run” through the game until an obstacle stops you where the goal is to achieve the highest possible score / points. The score points increases by '+1' as you run from unit to unit ( corridor of the space station ). Whereas when you perform a daring activity e.g. jump above / crouch under / destroy an obstacle, you are rewarded with bonus points which can be upto '+60' or more. Thus the main focus is to perform these activit ( jump above or crouch under pipes or destroy destroy-able obstacles ) instead of ignoring them. If you get the jetpack, then the primary score point '+1' is increased to '+50' per unit. After the v3.0 update, a new target system had been introduced. Now, holographic targets spawn randomly in front of you while you are running. ( This stays for 1.5 Sec ) If you manage to hit them using your gun, then you are awarded with bonus points.
  • Obstacles : There are different types of 'big' obstacles which can't be destroyed and needs to be dodged. Low pipes can be jumped over and higher pipes can be crouched under. You will be granted with bonus points each time ( making these the first priority ). Now, let's talk about the 'door' ! Some corridor entrances are closed ( closed doors ). Whenever you are in the vicinity of one of these doors you'll be prompted to press 'E' to open it. You need to be able to press it quickly in order to open the door and go through it without bumping on it. Some doors are jammed ( very rare ) which won't open right away when you press the button, but it will quickly slide up when you reach very close. There are oxygen cylinders hanging in some places which can be exploded using the gun, onced it is shot it's safe to go through. ( You will be granted with bonus points ) And the last kind is the little cylinder enclosed in a wooden box. Once the wooden box is destroyed using the gun and then the cylinder is shot, it's safe to go through. ( You will be granted bonus points, making it have a higher priority ).
  • Turn : There are 'left turns' and 'right turns'. These are relatively hard because you won't know which way it is until you reach the turning spot. You need to quickly decide which way to turn once you reach the turning point. ( There's a light stand pointing towards the correct direction. Which makes it a lot easier to determine the turn direction )
  • Jump : There's a whole unit which is on fire. It's behind a closed door which you need to open up and traverse through. Beyond the door there's a huge gap which you need to jump over with precision. It's easy early game but if you travel far enough you will have to face a series of oxygen unit situated right in that gap which you have to destroy using your gun before jumping to the other side.
  • The gun : The gun shoots projectile when 'W' is pressed. This can destroy wooden boxes and cylinders. This can also be used to remove small and harmless obstacles which are blocking view.
  • Controls and movement : You can move left or right to dodge obstacles using the 'A' and the 'D' key. 'W' is used to shoot projectile. 'S' can be used to crouch down. The left and the right arrow keys on the keyword are used to turn left or right. To quickly dash / slide / glide left or right and avoid immediate obstacles, 'Shift + A' or 'Shift +D' can be used. However after gliding once, the feature has a short cooldown time within which it can't be used again. To pause the game 'P' or 'Esc' can be used. Once the game is paused, it can't be paused again until you pick-up a pause reset crate which grants you the ability to pause the game again. The space bar can be used to jump. When jetpack is obtained, the space bar can be used to fly and the up arrow key on the keyboard can be used to change the altitude. And lastly, the 'L' key on the keyboard can be used to toggle the flash light.
  • Crates : There are yellow crates spread throughout the space station which can be collected and it serves as the in-game currency. Then there's are 'speed boost' crates which increases the player's speed temporarily for a few seconds and grants bonus points ( marked with a lightning symbol ). The 'slow crate' slows the player down for a few seconds ( marked with a 🐌 symbol ). The rarest of all is the 'jet crate' containing the jet pack.

ASPCT v3.0 update is now out !

It got some major gameplay, UI & UX changes along with improved pacing and difficulty level of the game • based on user feedback !

Apart from that, the game size had now been reduced from 6Gb to 1Gb :)

Check out the cool v3.0 Launch Cinematic here : 

If you are a new player, get this : https://1drv.ms/f/s!AuXLxn5JHuYuimgbiwMtQ5jMd_2i

It'll help you understand how the game works !


Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

In order to download this Endless Runner you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1 USD. You will get access to the following files:

ASPCT v3.0.0 ( Installer )

Development log

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